Prime Gaps -- from Wolfram MathWorld prime gap of length is a run of consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes and bounding a prime gap of length is , where is the th prime number. Since the prime difference function (1) is always even (except for ), all primes gaps are also even.
Prime gap - Wikipedia › wiki › Prime_gapPrime gap Simple observations. The first, smallest, and only odd prime gap is the gap of size 1 between 2, the only even prime... Numerical results. Usually the ratio of gn / ln ( pn) is called the merit of the gap gn . ... This gap has merit M = 13. Further results. Bertrand's postulate, proven in ...
Prime gap - Wikipedia first, smallest, and only odd prime gap is the gap of size 1 between 2, the only even prime number, and 3, the first odd prime. All other prime gaps are even. There is only one pair of consecutive gaps having length 2: the gaps g2 and g3 between the primes 3, 5, and 7. For any integer n, the factorial n! is the product of all positive integers up to and including n. Then in the sequence
Table of Known Maximal Gaps between Primes › notes › GapsTableSome define the gap between these two primes to be the number of composites between them, so g = q - p - 1 (and the gap following the prime 2 has length 0). Others define it to be simply q - p (so the gap following the prime 2 has the length 1). On these pages we use the former definition. Jens Kruse Andersen's page on maximal gaps and Nicely's pages use the second.
Prime Gaps -- from Wolfram MathWorld › PrimeGapsA prime gap of length is a run of consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes and bounding a prime gap of length is , where is the th prime number. Since the prime difference function (1) is always even (except for ), all primes gaps are also even.
The Gaps Between Primes - PrimePages › notes › gapsSo letting pn be the n th prime we have: pn+1 = pn + g ( pn) + 1. That is, g (pn) is the (size of) gap between pn and pn+1. By the prime number theorem we know there are approximately n /log ( n) (natural log) primes less than n, so the "average gap" between primes less than n is log ( n ).