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gaps between primes

Gaps Between Primes - Australian National University
https://maths-people.anu.edu.au/~hansons/Talks/gaps between prime…
Stijn Hanson (York) Gaps Between Primes. Sieving Gaps Between Primes Beyond Bounded Gaps General Prime Constellations Distribution Conjecture (Polignac, 1843) Let k be any positive integer. Then, for in nitely many n 2N, we have that p n+1 p n = 2k. Conjecture (Dickson, 1904) Let a 1 + b 1n;a 2 + b
Bounded gaps between primes - Annals of Mathematics
annals.math.princeton.edu › wp-content › uploads
Bounded gaps between primes By Yitang Zhang Abstract It is proved that liminf n!1 (p n+1 p n) < 7 10 7; where p nis the n-th prime. Our method is a re nement of the recent work of Goldston, Pintz and Y ld r m on the small gaps between consecutive primes. A major ingredient of the proof is a stronger version of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem that
Large gaps between primes | Annals of Mathematics
annals.math.princeton.edu › 2016 › 183-3
Large gaps between primes Pages 915-933 from Volume 183 (2016), Issue 3 by James Maynard Abstract We show that there exist pairs of consecutive primes less than x whose difference is larger than t ( 1 + o ( 1)) ( log x) ( log log x) ( log log log log x) ( log log log x) − 2 for any fixed t. This answers a well-known question of Erdős.
Prime Gaps -- from Wolfram MathWorld
https://mathworld.wolfram.com › P...
A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes ...
Small and large gaps in the primes - Terry Tao
https://terrytao.files.wordpress.com › 2015/07 › lat
From the pigeonhole principle, this implies that one has pn+1 − pn ≤ (1 + o(1))logX for some prime gap in [X,2X]. This pigeonhole bound was steadily improved ...
Prime gap - Wikipedia
Even better results are possible under the Riemann hypothesis. Harald Cramér proved that the Riemann hypothesis implies the gap gn satisfies using the big O notation. (In fact this result needs only the weaker Lindelöf hypothesis, if one can tolerate an infinitesimally smaller exponent. ) Later, he conjectured that the gaps are even smaller. Roughly speaking, Cramér's conjec…
Large gaps between primes | Annals of Mathematics
title = {Unusually large gaps between consecutive primes}, journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
Bounded gaps between primes | Annals of Mathematics
https://annals.math.princeton.edu › ...
where pn is the n-th prime. Our method is a refinement of the recent work of Goldston, Pintz and Yıldırım on the small gaps between consecutive primes.
Bounded gaps between primes - Annals of Mathematics
Bounded gaps between primes By Yitang Zhang Abstract It is proved that liminf n!1 (p n+1 p n) < 7 10 7; where p nis the n-th prime. Our method is a re nement of the recent work of Goldston, Pintz and Y ld r m on the small gaps between consecutive primes. A major ingredient of the proof is a stronger version of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem that
The Gaps Between Primes
https://primes.utm.edu › notes › gaps
By the prime number theorem we know there are approximately n/log(n) (natural log) primes less than n, so the "average gap" between primes less than n is log(n) ...
Gaps between Primes - Numberphile - YouTube
27.05.2013 · An exciting paper about gaps between prime numbers - a step closer to proving the twin prime conjecture. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓Extr...
Gaps between primes: The story so far
pollack.uga.edu › gaps2014
Consequence:Thus, looking at primes up to X, the average distance to the next prime is ˇlogX. So the “large” gap of size ˇlogX=loglogX was actually a small gap. Remark Most primes p X exceed X=(logX)2(say), and so logX ˇlogp. So the gap from p to the next prime is ˇlogp on average. 8 of 57 Asking the right question
Prime Gaps -- from Wolfram MathWorld
A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes p_k and p_(k+1) bounding a prime gap of length n is p_(k+1)-p_k=n, where p_k …
The Gaps Between Primes
primes.utm.edu › notes › gaps
By the prime number theorem we know there are approximately n /log ( n) (natural log) primes less than n, so the "average gap" between primes less than n is log ( n ). But how wide of range can these gaps have? We will discuss several aspects of this question below. 2. lim inf g ( n) = 1 (?) and lim sup g ( n) = infinity
[1408.5110] Large gaps between primes - arXiv
https://arxiv.org › math
Our proof works by incorporating recent progress in sieve methods related to small gaps between primes into the Erdos-Rankin construction.