Writing patterns for well organized writing.
www.aboutyourenglish.com › academicwritingpatternsStyles, modes, and patterns refer here to ways of organizing a piece of writing. The purpose of writing organization styles is to provide clarity to nonfiction. The organization styles or rhetorical modes or patterns are commonly listed as nine: examples (illustration), narrative, process, argument (opinion), cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, definition, and classification.
Basic Sentence Pattern in English Grammar
www.sentencestructure.org › grammar-for-sentenceThere are about six different sentence patterns in English language known as the basic sentence patterns. They include: Noun/verb; Noun/verb/noun; Noun/verb/adverb; Noun/linking verb/noun; Noun/linking verb/adjective; Noun/verb/noun/noun; From the patterns outlined above, one can see that sentence patterns in English grammar are made of noun, verb, and adverb being tossed around.
WRTG - Specific–to–General Pattern
www.umgc.edu › current-students › learning-resourcesThis pattern is especially useful for writing that seeks to discover the nature of a problem and the possible solutions by carefully analyzing their details. For example, in writing a diagnosis of organizational problems, a writer might use inductive reasoning to find the major problems by examining the symptoms. These results may be presented in a specific-to-general order.