Anbox - Android in a Box
anbox.ioAnbox puts the Android operating system into a container, abstracts hardware access and integrates core system services into a GNU/Linux system. Every Android application will be integrated with your operating system like any other native application. To achieve our goal we use standard Linux technologies like containers (LXC) to separate the ...
Anbox - Android in a Box
https://anbox.ioAnbox puts Android apps into a tightly sealed box without direct access to hardware or your data. Performant Runs Android without hardware virtualization and seamlessly bridges over hardware acceleration features. Integrated Tightly integrated with the host operating system to offer a rich feature set. Convergent
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - [SOLVED] Anbox · Hi there. Yes, it looks like it's been done: there are overlays here that you could try as-is, or use as the basis for your own ebuild. If you haven't set up a local repo before, first work through this info on how to do that (you could try an anbox ebuild as your first local ebuild). If you proceed that way, just downloading an ebuild directly rather than using the whole overlay, the ...