2 Collocations - Cengage
ngl.cengage.com › 1184 › FCE_ORG_Unit2Collocations 5 As you study the vocabulary you need for FCE, you will soon realise that it’s not enough to study single words. It’s important to know how words combine with others to form partnerships, or collocations. This will help you to produce language of the level required to do well in the examination.
B2 Collocations: GIVE, TAKE, MAKE, GET, DO, HAVE COLL001
https://www.english-practice.at/.../collocations-phrases/coll001.pdfTitle: Collocations and Phrases with GET, DO, MAKE, GET, HAVE, TAKE - COLL001 Author: Nikolaus ROSMANITZ Subject: Collocations and Phrases with GET, DO, MAKE, GET, HAVE, TAKE - PDF Worksheets - B2 \(Upper Intermediate\) Level - COL001