Group names should follow the same guidelines as Creating valid variable names. Here's that same basic inventory file in YAML format: all: hosts: mail ...
Ansible: Get all the IP addresses of a group, I find the magic map extract ... Ansible: get current target host's IP address, A list of all addresses is ...
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list . ... Whether or not to get target groups not used by any load balancers. instance_id.
21.12.2021 · ansible_play_hosts. List of hosts in the current play run, not limited by the serial. Failed/Unreachable hosts are excluded from this list. ansible_play_hosts_all. List of all the hosts that were targeted by the play. ansible_play_role_names. The names of the roles currently imported into the current play.
13.11.2020 · This is the same for the facts Ansible gathered for the hosts. For the matter at hand, you can use another special variable group_names that will allow you to get the groups the host you are currently acting on is, in the form of a list.
List of groups the current host is part of. groups. A dictionary/map with all the groups in inventory and each group has the list of hosts that belong to it.
14.06.2021 · how to get ip address of a host in Ansible. How to get the remote target server IP address in ansible playbook using the ansible facts collected using multiple methods like default network interface name eth0, enp0s3 etc and SSH connection information and default IPv4 and IPv6 address etc. ansible get ip address
but that would use the host names instead of the IP addresses. Any ideas how this could be done? Update: looking at the docs for a while, I think this would allow me to loop through all the ip adresses: {% for host in groups['mainnodes'] %} {{hostvars[host]['ansible_ssh_host']}} {% endfor %}
The headings in brackets are group names, which are used in classifying ... even though you can target hosts by group, variables are always flattened to the ...
21.12.2021 · Patterns: targeting hosts and groups When you execute Ansible through an ad hoc command or by running a playbook, you must choose which managed nodes or groups you want to execute against. Patterns let you run commands and playbooks against specific hosts and/or groups in your inventory.
01.01.2021 · ansible_hostname inventory_hostname: Ansible_hostname takes the hostname from the facts collected during the gather_facts this would mostly match to the uname -n or hostname command that you run on the remote machine: inventory_hostname takes the hostname from the inventory configuration or the hosts file. this may not match the hostname …