gevent · PyPI · gevent gevent is a coroutine -based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev or libuv event loop. Features include: Fast event loop based on libev or libuv. Lightweight execution units based on greenlets.
What is gevent? — gevent 21.12.1.dev0 documentation
www.gevent.orggevent is a coroutine -based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev or libuv event loop. Features include: Fast event loop based on libev or libuv. Lightweight execution units based on greenlets.
greenlet · PyPI · Greenlets are lightweight coroutines for in-process concurrent programming. The “greenlet” package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython that supports micro-threads called “tasklets”. Tasklets run pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads) and are synchronized with data exchanges on “channels”.
(一)Psychopy安装和使用 - swolf的博客 › zh-cn › 2018/11/10Nov 10, 2018 · conda create -n psypy3 python=3.6 conda activate psypy3 conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas pyopengl pillow lxml openpyxl xlrd configobj pyyaml gevent greenlet msgpack-python psutil pytables requests[security] cffi seaborn wxpython cython pyzmq pyserial