The Netlib [x, error, iter, flag] = gmres( A, x, b, M, restrt, max_it, tol ) % -- Iterative template routine -- % Univ. of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory % October 1, 1993 % Details of this algorithm are described in "Templates for the % Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative % Methods", Barrett, Berry, Chan, Demmel, Donato, Dongarra, % Eijkhout, Pozo, …
gmres (MATLAB Functions),b,restart,tol) specifies the tolerance of the method. If tol is [], then gmres uses the default, 1e-6. gmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit) specifies the maximum number of outer iterations, i.e., the total number of iterations does not exceed restart*maxit. If maxit is [] then gmres uses the default, min(n/restart,10).
gmres (MATLAB Functions) displays the message. gmres(10) converged at outer iteration 2 (inner iteration 9) to a solution with relative residual 3.3e-013 Example 3. load west0479 A = west0479 b = sum(A,2) [x,flag] = gmres(A,b,5) flag is 1 because gmres does not converge to the default tolerance 1e-6 within the default 10 outer iterations.
linear solver - MATLAB: code for restarted gmres ... › questions › 19522May 01, 2015 · Moreover, in the gmres.m function these two outputs are not available. As you know, we always call the gmres.m in MATLAB in the following style: [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = gmres(A, b, restart, tol, maxit); Then, I want to use these outputs to plot the convergence histories, i.e., X-axis: the number of matrix-vector products,
gmres › m_srcgmres. gmres, a MATLAB code which applies the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method to solve a large, sparse system of linear equations. Licensing:.