Go Resources - golang-book.com
https://www.golang-book.comGo Resources Books. An Introduction to Programming in Go A short, concise introduction to computer programming using the language Go. Designed by Google, Go is a general purpose programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library ...
The Go Programming Language
www.gopl.io › ch1Go isanopen-s our ce pro j ec t ,sos ou rc ec od ef or itscompi l er ,lib rar ies, an dt oo ls is fre e ly avai l-ab le toany o ne .Con tr i bu ti on s to the pro j ec t co me fro m an active worldw i de community.Go runs onUnix-li k esys te ms —Li nu x, Fre e BS D, OpenBSD, Mac OS X—andonPlan9and Micros o ft Windows.
GitHub - dariubs/GoBooks: List of Golang books
github.com › dariubs › GoBooksGo 101 is a book focusing on Go syntax/semantics and all kinds of runtime related things (Go 1.17-pre ready) and tries to help gophers gain a deep and thorough understanding of Go. This book also collects many details of Go and in Go programming. It is expected that this book is helpful for both beginner and experienced Go programmers.
Go - DevFreeBooks
https://devfreebooks.github.io/goThe Little Go Book. The Little Go Book is a free introduction to Google's Go programming language. It's aimed at developers who might not be quite comfortable with the idea of pointers and static typing. It's longer than the other Little books, but hopefully still captures that little feeling. Author: Karl Seguin.
www.golang-book.com › public › pdfThis book will teach you how to write computer pro-grams using a programming language designed by Google named Go. Go is a general purpose programming language with advanced features and a clean syntax. Because of its wide availability on a variety of platforms, its robust well-documented common library, and its focus on good