The Go Programming Language - beyondkmp › TheFr omC,Go in her ite d itsexpressionsyntax, cont rol-flow statements, basic dat a types, cal l-by-value param-eter passing, point ers,and above all,C’semp hasisonprogramsthatcompi letoefficient machinecodeand cooperatenatural lywit h theabstrac tions ofcur rentoperat ingsystems. The Go Programming Language
The Go Programming Language Go Programming Language Alan A. A. Donovan Google Inc. Brian W. Kernighan Princeton University ... Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trade-mark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals.
The Go Programming Language › ~msagiv › coursesLanguage Tools Tool Description go build builds Go binaries using only information in the source files themselves, no separate makefiles go test unit testing and microbenchmarks go fmt Preprint the code go get Retrieve and install remote packages go vet Static analyzer looking for potential errors in code go run Build and executing code