The Go Programming Language
go.devThe Go language is small, compiles really fast, and as a result it lets your mind focus on the actual problem and less on the tool you are using to solve it. Code, test, debug cycles are so quick that you forget you are not working with an interpreted language. Looking at our code, you see less boilerplate and more business logic. "
The Go Programming Language
https://go.devThe Go language is small, compiles really fast, and as a result it lets your mind focus on the actual problem and less on the tool you are using to solve it. Code, test, debug cycles are so quick that you forget you are not working with an interpreted language. Looking at our code, you see less boilerplate and more business logic. "
Online Go Lang Compiler - online editor › online_go_compilerCode, Compile, Run and Debug Go Lang program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to execute it. *******************************************************************************/ package main import "fmt" func main () { fmt.Println ("Hello World") } XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX