Documentation - The Go Programming Language Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction.
doc package - go/doc - · func New (pkg * ast. Package, importPath string, mode Mode) * Package. New computes the package documentation for the given package AST. New takes ownership of the AST pkg and may edit or overwrite it. To have the Examples fields populated, use NewFromFiles and include the package's _test.go files.
The Magic of Go Comments · › 2019 › 09Sep 30, 2019 · probably the most familiar form of “magical” comments in go are comments for go's built in documentation tool, godoc . godoc works by scanning all the .go files in a package (ignoring any _test.go files) for comments immediately preceding a declaration (without any intervening code or blank line (s)). godoc will then use the text of the comments …
Comments | Learn Go Programming golang supports comments. A comment is text that is ignored on execution. but may be useful to the programmer. You can add any kind of text inside your code. golang ignores comments. Comments can be single line or multi line. Related course: Introducing Go: Build Reliable, Scalable Programs.
Godoc: documenting Go code - The Go Programming Language › blog › godocMar 31, 2011 · Godoc parses Go source code - including comments - and produces documentation as HTML or plain text. The end result is documentation tightly coupled with the code it documents. For example, through godoc’s web interface you can navigate from a function’s documentation to its implementation with one click.