Superlative of Good | Hooked On Viral · Superlative of Good. What is the superlative of good? The highest distinction is best. The word best means most excellent type or quality.Some synonyms of the word best are supreme, finest, greatest, premier, prime, and others for adjectives.Meanwhile, as to verb, you can use defeat, beat and outdo to describe its superiority.
Good, Bad: (ir)regular comparative, superlative ... · The comparative is made by suffixing -tar to the adjective and the superlative forms by adding the superlative suffix -in to the comparative (the superlative suffix has also other uses): good, better, the best - beh, behtar, behtarin. bad, worse, the worst - bad, badtar, badtarin. However, instead of "beh" we use "khub" but it's a matter of ...
Comparative and superlative adjectives | - | LearnEnglish › ...How to form comparative and superlative adjectives ; old, older, oldest. long, longer, longest ; nice, nicer, nicest. large, larger, largest ; big, bigger, biggest.