Google DNS Servers in Global - DNS Checker is the recursive DNS operated by Google. By configuring this, your DNS queries will go to the Google DNS server rather than your ISP-provided DNS server. Is it safe to use DNS? DNS is encrypted so that your ISP may monitor it. So if you are using Google DNS servers, there is also a chance that Google also monitors it.
Google DNS Servers in Global › dns › Global8.8.8.8 is the recursive DNS operated by Google. By configuring this, your DNS queries will go to the Google DNS server rather than your ISP-provided DNS server. Is it safe to use DNS? DNS is encrypted so that your ISP may monitor it. So if you are using Google DNS servers, there is also a chance that Google also monitors it.
What is Google DNS and How can I use it? › google-dnsGoogle Public DNS are Secure. DNS servers are often target of large DOS and DDOS attacks who cause lot of issues around the world. Luckly, Google public DNS servers are way more secure than any local dns servers, they are constantly monitored and protected against common DNS attacks by using the best server protection and technologies like DNSSec, which always ensures the dns queries will be ...
Google Public DNS - Wikipedia December 2009, Google Public DNS was launched with its announcement on the Official Google Blog by product manager Prem Ramaswami, with an additional post on the Google Code blog. In January 2019, Google Public DNS adopted the DNS over TLS protocol. At the launch of Google Public DNS, it did not directly support DNSSEC. Although RRSIG records …