Install on Windows | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaStart Grafana by executing grafana-server.exe, located in the bin directory, preferably from the command line. If you want to run Grafana as a Windows service, then download NSSM . It is very easy to add Grafana as a Windows service using that tool.
Grafana CLI | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanagrafana-cli plugins update <plugin-id> Remove one plugin grafana-cli plugins remove <plugin-id> Admin commands. Admin commands are only available in Grafana 4.1 and later. Show all admin commands grafana-cli admin Reset admin password. grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password <new password> resets the password for the admin user using the CLI ...
GitHub - orojina/grafana-cli alerts to the exclusion list; grafana-cli allows you to set an exclusion list, which basically tells grafana-cli to ignore those alerts when pausing/resuming alerts.. All you need to do is to set the GF_EXCLUDE_ALERTS variable with the alert IDs you dont want grafana-cli to touch.. Note: Whenever you change a config file, you need to make sure to source the confige file in your …