timestamp | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › clients › promtail- timestamp: source: time format: RFC3339Nano This stage looks for a time field in the extracted map and reads its value in RFC3339Nano form (e.g., 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999-07:00 ). The resulting time value will be used as the timestamp sent with the log line to Loki.
timestamp | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/clients/promtail/stages/timestamptimestamp stage. The timestamp stage is an action stage that can change the timestamp of a log line before it is sent to Loki. When a timestamp stage is not present, the timestamp of a log line defaults to the time when the log entry is scraped.. Schema timestamp: # Name from extracted data to use for the timestamp. source: <string> # Determines how to parse the time string.
Elasticsearch | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › latest › datasourcesOpen the side menu by clicking the Grafana icon in the top header. In the side menu under the Dashboards link you should find a link named Data Sources. Click the + Add data source button in the top header. Select Elasticsearch from the Type dropdown.