Package a plugin | Grafana Labs › developers › pluginsArchiving the plugin; Build the plugin. yarn install --pure-lockfile yarn build (Optional) If your data source plugin has a backend plugin, build it as well. mage Sign the plugin. Create a ZIP archive of the dist directory. mv dist/ myorg-simple-panel zip myorg-simple-panel -r Publish your plugin on
Install plugins | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaInstall plugin on Grafana Cloud. On the Installation tab, in the For field, click the name of the Grafana instance that you want to install the plugin on. Grafana Cloud handles the plugin installation automatically. Install plugin on local Grafana. Follow the instructions on the Install tab. You can either install the plugin with a Grafana CLI command or by downloading and uncompress a .zip file into the Grafana plugins directory.
Grafana CLI | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanagrafana-cli --insecure --pluginUrl<plugin-id>-<plugin-version>.zip plugins install <plugin-id> Enable debug logging--debug or -d enables debug logging. Debug output is returned and shown in the terminal. Example: grafana-cli --debug plugins install <plugin-id> Override a configuration setting