Overview | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/auth/overviewYou can hide the Grafana login form using the below configuration settings. [auth] disable_login_form = true Automatic OAuth login Set to true to attempt login with OAuth automatically, skipping the login screen. This setting is ignored if multiple OAuth providers are configured. Defaults to false. [auth] oauth_auto_login = true
Configuration | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › grafanaURL to redirect the user to after they sign out. oauth_auto_login. Set to true to attempt login with OAuth automatically, skipping the login screen. This setting is ignored if multiple OAuth providers are configured. Default is false. oauth_state_cookie_max_age
Log queries | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › lokiLog queries. All LogQL queries contain a log stream selector. Optionally, the log stream selector can be followed by a log pipeline. A log pipeline is a set of stage expressions that are chained together and applied to the selected log streams. Each expression can filter out, parse, or mutate log lines and their respective labels.
Grafana Authentication | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › grafanaYou can hide the Grafana login form using the below configuration settings. [auth] disable_login_form = true Automatic OAuth login. Set to true to attempt login with OAuth automatically, skipping the login screen. This setting is ignored if multiple OAuth providers are configured. Defaults to false. [auth] oauth_auto_login = true Hide sign-out menu