grub-install(8) — Arch manual pages › man › grub-installinstall GRUB images under the directory DIR/grub instead of the /boot/grub directory. --bootloader-id = ID. the ID of bootloader. This option is only available on EFI and Macs. --core-compress = xz |none|auto. choose the compression to use for core image. --disk-module = MODULE. disk module to use (biosdisk or native).
grub-install(8) — Arch manual pages some platforms, it may also install GRUB into the boot sector. REPORTING BUGS. Report bugs to <>. SEE ALSO. grub-mkconfig(8), grub-mkimage(1), grub-mkrescue(1) The full documentation for grub-install is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-install programs are properly installed at your site, the command. info ...
GRUB - ArchWiki - Arch Linux › title › GRUBThen follow the below steps to install GRUB to your disk: Mount the EFI system partition and in the remainder of this section, substitute esp with its mount point. Choose a bootloader identifier, here named GRUB. A directory of that name will be created in esp /EFI/ to store the EFI... Execute the ...