as Impact Interactions - European Commission › environment › archivesThese Guidelines consider the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as Impact Interactions within the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. It presents the results of research and consultations conducted by Hyder, commissioned by the European Commission: Directorate-General XI (Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil ...
ASSESSMENT OF INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS AS WELL AS ... › 40403 › 1cumulative impacts as well as impact interactions. Review Criteria For each case study, a broad overview of the techniques and methodologies used for impact identification, scoping and the areas where indirect and cumulative impacts, as well as impact interactions can be overlooked was obtained from the evaluation of a set of standardised criteria.
ASSESSMENT OF INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS AS WELL AS ... › 40404 › 1indirect and cumulative impacts, as well as impact interactions, including the issues of determining "acceptable limits" for environmental change and the establishment of the scope of the assessment. However, due to the complexity of the assessment of indirect and cumulative impacts and impact interactions there are additional problems;