14 Easy Guitar Chords For Beginners
https://nationalguitaracademy.com/easy-guitar-chords7 super-easy ways to play: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. 7 super-easy ways to play: Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm and Gm. Over 100,000 guitar-learners get our world-class guitar tips & tutorials sent straight to their inbox: Click here to join them.
Guitar Chords For Beginners
nationalguitaracademy.com › wp-content › uploadsHow to play the Am guitar chord correctly Like all guitar chords, the A minor chord can be played in several different places on the fretboard. You’ll be pleased to hear there’s a few clear favourites for beginner guitarists – these chords are easy to play and sound great. Firstly, the correct way to play Am is like this: Am .
14 Easy Guitar Chords For Beginners
nationalguitaracademy.com › easy-guitar-chordsEasy Guitar Chords – A minor (Am) ‘A minor’ is another very common guitar chord. Beginner guitarists need to be able play this chord. A minor isn’t a very difficult chord to play and most people can master it within a couple of weeks: A minor However, it does require three fingers to play which means the difficulty level rises.