Halvorsens Conditori Landingsside
https://halvorsens.noHalvorsens Conditori etablert i 1881 i Prinsens Gate 26, Oslo åpner igjen etter Stortingets oppussing av Schiøllgården. Halvorsens Conditori ønsker å videreføre tradisjonene som et wienerkonditori med klassiske og nye kaker, samt smørbrød. Åpningsmarkering vil finne sted torsdag 13 februar kl 12.00.
My Feelings For Snow: Halvorsens Conditori
myfeelingsforsnow.blogspot.com › 2011 › 03Mar 21, 2011 · Halvorsens Conditori It's fair to say that I have been warned often enough about how expensive Oslo is. Between the varying exchange rate, the decimal points (my maths has suffered since the introduction of the Euro), and the fact that I haven't really been here for more than a week in the past, I sort of thought it was ok.