Adverb Of Happy - Javatpoint Of Happy Introduction. Adverbs are important parts of speech that we utilize to add information and spice up our sentences.. Victoria strolled, for example, is a nice sentence but a touch uninteresting.However, an adverb can be used to liven things up, as, in the statement, Victoria moved beautifully.If Victoria is a little careless, we could say she strolled strangely.
Happily used in a sentence, 17 examples › ex › happilyHappily used in a sentence How to use Happily in a sentence as an adverb Some dick will screw up a project, and then when the team gets laid off, happily move to another one to **** that up too. Too often I've seen engineers just get disgusted and leave; or they'll go into a depressive "I don't care" mode.