Identify the part of speech of the italicized word: happily
www.weegy.comSep 08, 2021 · Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Identify the part of speech of the italicized word: happily. Original conversation. User: Identify the part of speech of the italicized word: happily. Weegy: Wayne happily accepted the job offer. The name "Wayne" is a noun. Score .8616. User: Identify the type of sentence: I don’t understand why there is a fee.
What part of speech is Happily - Word Panda › part-of-speech › happilyParts of Speech for Happily hap·pi·ly Hh Gramatical Hierarchy Adverb Noun Grammatically "Happily" is a adverb. But also it is used as a noun. All about happilyDownload all about happily in pdf Was this page helpful? YesNo Thank you for your feedback! Tell your friends about this page Share: Tell us why? Send Thank you for your feedback.