How to rewrite and redirect with HAProxy · From An Egg › post › 2014/12/05Dec 05, 2014 · HAProxy however doesn’t have a single rule for rewrite and redirect instead we have to combine reqrep, to rewrite the url, and redirect, to handle the actual redirection. Assume the following front and backend configurations: frontend haproxy-0-80 bind default_backend haproxy_service backend haproxy_service balance leastconn cookie ...
Rewrite url in Haproxy - Help! - HAProxy community › t › rewrite-url-in-haproxyApr 03, 2021 · I am using Haproxy Fastcgi to serve php files for wordpress. Static files are served by Nginx. Everything is working but the wordpress permlinks are not working. Here is my Haproxy config file global log /dev/log local0 user haproxy group www-data # Default SSL material locations defaults log global mode http option httplog option dontlognull timeout connect 5000 timeout client 50000 timeout ...
Haproxy change part of url - Server Fault · You are confusing url redirection with url rewriting to the backend. Should you even want to rewrite, then according to the haproxy 1.6 documentation : "set-path" rewrites the request path with the result of the evaluation of format string . The query string, if any, is left intact. So the correct configuration in that case would be :