What is Health Promotion? A Definition | VicHealth
www.vichealth.vic.gov.au › media-and-resources › vceHealth promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health ( the full definition is provided on the WHO website ). This definition was slightly modified in 2005, in WHO’s Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalised World to: Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health.
Health promotion - World Health Organization
www.who.int › item › health-promotionAug 20, 2016 · What is health promotion? Health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure.
What is health promotion? - Elsevier.com
booksite.elsevier.com › samplechaptersHealth Organization (WHO) definition of health promotion as it appears in the Ottawa Charter has been widely adopted and neatly encompasses this: ‘Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health’ (WHO 1986). health gain, health improvement anD health Development
Health Promotion - WHO
www.who.int › programmes › health-promotionOct 08, 2015 · Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. As a core function of public health, health promotion supports governments, communities and individuals to cope with and address health challenges.
Health promotion - World Health Organization
www.who.int › health-topics › health-promotionJan 20, 2021 · Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. As a core function of public health, health promotion supports governments, communities and individuals to cope with and address health challenges.