NLC – The European Healthtech Venture Builder
https://nlc.healthNLC is here to help you to bring your healthtech invention to the patient. By building ventures at scale, NLC has built valuable experience in overcoming hurdles like filing patents, securing start-up capital, organising clinical trials and getting your invention to the market. You can be as involved as you want, allowing you to continue ...
First Health Pharmaceuticals | RNA Biotech Company ...
https://www.firsthealthpharma.comFirst Health Pharmaceuticals has a leading position in the field of advanced RNA biochemistry. We aim to further develop our portfolio of highly active patented RNA Helicase inhibiting lead compounds and bring revolutionary pharmaceuticals to the market that will offer new hope for patients suffering from some of the most challenging diseases of our time.
Healthinc: Home will connect your startup to a network of healthtech experts and bring you to ... Founded by Amsterdam Health and. Technology Institute and founders of
Digital Healthcare Technology And Services - GMedical
https://gmedinnovations.com05.11.2021 · Ms. Nuriel-Roth has 13 years of experience in the US Healthcare industry. A former SVP US Operations at LifeWatch Services Inc, for seven years where she managed every aspect of a medical device company and brought significant efficiencies to operations in the Clinical, Reimbursement, Managed Care, Logistics, and Customer Service departments.