2 Heat Equation - Stanford University
web.stanford.edu › class › math220bwill be a solution of the heat equation on I which satisfies our boundary conditions, assuming each un is such a solution. In fact, one can show that an infinite series of the form u(x;t) · X1 n=1 un(x;t) will also be a solution of the heat equation, under proper convergence assumptions of this series. We will omit discussion of this issue here.
The heat equation
edoras.sdsu.edu › ~mthomas › f17However, the heat equation contains a second derivative with respect to x. So we will need two bound-ary conditions (BC). (A boundary condition is a condition at a specified position.) These boundary conditions are usually the temperatures at the edges of the rod. So, u(0,t) = T 1(t) and u(L,t) = T 2(t).
Differential Equations - The Heat Equation
tutorial.math.lamar.edu › DE › TheHeatEquationAug 06, 2020 · The boundary conditions will tell us something about what the temperature and/or heat flow is doing at the boundaries of the bar. There are four of them that are fairly common boundary conditions. The first type of boundary conditions that we can have would be the prescribed temperature boundary conditions, also called Dirichlet conditions.