Help Desk | Bergen Community College Help Desk is the quickest and easiest way to get help, and is staffed with representatives who are ready and waiting to take your phone call. We have a knowledgeable staff that can help you with the following and much more: Portal, Bergen E-mail, Moodle, and WebAdvisor on the Portal; Password Resets; Software and Hardware Issues
Bergen Help Desk
helpdesk.bergen.orgBergen Help Desk. Log In. E-Mail Password Remember me Remember me If checked, an authentication token will be stored in a cookie in your browser for the next two ...
Help Desk | Bergen Community College › helpdeskThe Help Desk is the quickest and easiest way to get help, and is staffed with representatives who are ready and waiting to take your phone call. We have a knowledgeable staff that can help you with the following and much more: Portal, Bergen E-mail, Moodle, and WebAdvisor on the Portal; Password Resets; Software and Hardware Issues
Bergen Help Desk
helpdesk.bergen.orgBergen Help Desk. Log In. E-Mail Password Remember me Remember me If checked, an authentication token will be stored in a cookie in your browser for the next two weeks, preventing the need to re-enter your login credentials when your session expires. Logging out will clear the authentication cookie. Do not check this option if you are using a ...
Bergen kommune - itslearning til Itslearning i Bergen. Pålogging til itslearning -Bergen kommune Pålogging for elever og lærere skjer på vanlig pålogging, eller via Feide. For tiden er foresattes tilgang slått av i Bergen kommune. Alle ansatte må benytte tofaktor for pålogging. Ta kontakt med administrasjonen på skolen, hvis dette ikke er satt opp.