FL HealthSource • Health Care Resources for Consumers & Providers
www.flhealthsource.govLicensee / Provider Services. Welcome to the Division of Medical Quality Assurance online service portal. The portal was established to provide healthcare practitioners 24 hours a day access to the division's licensing services, including the ability to apply for a license or permit online, check the status of your application, and manage your licensure record.
Department of Health for the State of New Jersey | Homepage
www.nj.gov › healthNov 27, 2021 · The New Jersey Taskforce to End the HIV Epidemic is comprised of clinical and community‐based service providers, advocates, educators, researchers, members of HIV/AIDS planning groups, persons living with HIV/AIDS (PWH) and state health department staff. The plan represents the state's commitment to end the HIV epidemic by 2025.
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet - regjeringen.no
www.regjeringen.no › no › depSykehusene tilbyr befolkningen spesialisert behandling. I tillegg har sykehusene oppgaver innen forskning, utdanning og opplæring av pasienter og pårørende. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet har et overordnet ansvar for alle sykehus i Norge, og staten eier de offentlige sykehusene. Sykehusene er organisert i fire regionale helseforetak.
Ministry of Health and Care Services - regjeringen.no
www.regjeringen.no › en › depDec 22, 2020 · Ingvild Kjerkol (Lab.) The Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) is responsible for providing good and equal health and care services for the population of Norway. The ministry directs these services by means of a comprehensive legislation, annual budgetary allocations and through various governmental institutions.