https://startuplab.noStartuplab Data Science is the industry program for startups and corporates helping them succeed with big data, machine learning and AI. PARTNER NETWORK It’s not unusual that startups we work with find their first customer within our partner network, as they also want more great tech companies to come out of Norway.
Team | Startuplab joined StartupLab in 2016, after leaving TIDAL which he co-founded and spent over 10 years building from 3 to 120 employees. Nissik is responsible for our Accelerator Programs and our corporate partnerships together with the rest of …
Startup Lab - CypherHunter › en › pStartup Lab Introduction. StartupLab is an incubator & early stage investor for tech startups, located in Oslo Science Park. We house 82 ambitious tech startups and help connect them with founder-friendly capital, clients, talent & advisors to help accelerate their growth.
StartupLab | Nye Veier AS
StartupLab er en av de ledende teknologiinkubatorene i Norge. Mer enn 80 startups, med totalt mer enn 350 gründere, sitter i deres lokaler på Forskningsparken i Oslo. Mellom 40 og 50 nye oppstartsselskaper tas inn i …
Team | Startuplab › teamThe Startuplab team is a group of ex-founders, investors and experienced executives eager to support Norwegian startups succeed. Per Einar Dybvik CEO Per Einar is CEO and partner at StartupLab. He joined us in 2014 after leaving WiMP, which he founded in 2009. He has 25 years of Internet-experience from Telenor, Schibsted and Aspiro.