[OpenWrt Wiki] Huawei
openwrt.org › toh › huaweiMar 29, 2018 · If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Downloads - Pulpstone OpenWrt
https://pulpstone.pw/id/firmware-idKami bekerja keras untuk bisa menyediakan semua firmware berbasis OpenWrt dan LEDE yang bisa Anda gunakan secara gratis untuk router atau single board computer. Karena keterbatasan kami, kami mohon maaf jika kami tidak dapat menyediakan semua firmware yang sesuai untuk router ataupun single boar computer anda.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Huawei EchoLife HG553
openwrt.org › toh › huaweiThe HG553 is an adsl wifi router mainly distributed by Vodafone to their customers. Currently OpenWrt has no support for ADSL modem nor VoIP (closed source drivers). Devices with Broadcom WiFi chipsets have limited OpenWrt supportability (due to limited FLOSS driver availability for Broadcom chips).
eko.one.pl - Wsparcie dla modemów GSM w OpenWrt
https://eko.one.pl/?p=openwrt-modemygsm12.07.2016 · Opisane wskazówki po ich zastosowaniu umożliwiają pracę danego modemu w systemie OpenWrt. Interfejs określony jako "diagnostyczny" może być wykorzystany do projektu 3ginfo. Większość modemów powinna działać poprawnie po instalacji sterowników kmod-usb-serial-option.Interfejsem komunikacyjnym jest wtedy /dev/ttyUSB0, interfejsem …
www.yudhacan.com › 2017 › 11Nov 10, 2017 · Assalamualaikum, Hallo teman teman, hari ini saya ingin ngeshare tentang cara install fw OPENWRT / LEDE di router HUAWEI HG533, menurut orang-orang & sepengalaman saya router ini memang router yang handal anti ngebrick, memang sangat luar biasa. hahaha.. sangat cocok untuk newbie yg ingin ngoprek OPENWRT / LEDE.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Huawei
https://openwrt.org/toh/huawei29.03.2018 · If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International ...