HCF and LCM Calculator
https://www.calculatorschool.com/Numbers/HCFandLCMCalculators.aspxHCF calculator is a multiservice tool that finds the highest common factor and lowest common factor of the given numbers at the same time. It only needs one input value to find the HCF and LCM simultaneously.. Note: GCF, GCD, and HCF are the same. All names are used to represent a similar method of finding the highest or greatest common factor/divisor.
Prime Factorization Calculator
www.calculatorsoup.com › math › prime-factorsThis calculator presents: For the first 5000 prime numbers, this calculator indicates the index of the prime number. The nth prime number is denoted as Prime [n], so Prime [1] = 2, Prime [2] = 3, Prime [3] = 5, and so on. The limit on the input number to factor is less than 10,000,000,000,000 (less than 10 trillion or a maximum of 13 digits).