HILSEN - Translation in English - bab.la
en.bab.la › dictionary › norwegian-englishThe handshake is the common form of greeting between men and men and also between women and women; the handshake is often long and soft. The handshake is another common form of greeting between men and men and also between women and women. The masked booby is silent at sea, but has a reedy whistling greeting call at the nesting colonies.
Oversættelse 'hilsen' – Ordbog engelsk-Dansk | Glosbe
da.glosbe.com › da › enFolk hilser på hinanden og kysser og smiler. People are kissing each other in greeting, and smiling. sagde kongen med alvorlig, dog venlig røst, idet han gengældte folkets hilsen og standsede sin hest. said the king, in a grave but kindly tone, as he returned the greetings of the people and stopped his horse.