History and Development of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services Education or learning about new methods of farming has been a function of every social system. Traditionally, farmers and fishermen learned about new methods of farming outside of the formal
The objectives of the course is: 1. To stimulate students interest and understanding about the concept and practice of extension and the need for extension in agricultural development 2. To discuss history of agricultural extension in the world and
What is, or should be, the role of the public sector? The answer to that question is ultimately of greatest concern. One of the purposes underlying this paper ...
In Pakistan various agricultural extension and rural development programs were initiated in order to accelerate agriculture sector. Agriculture extension ...
What is extension and agricultural extension? 2. Describe the history of extension ... A manual for Agricultural Extension Workers in Nigeria. Nigeria, Les.
Gwyn E. Jones is Senior Lecturer, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department, and Chris Garforth is Senior Lecturer and Head of the Agricultural ...
1. Define extension and agricultural extension, as well as explain the history of agricultural extension in the world and Nigeria. 2. Recognise the need for agricultural extension. 3. Discuss the basic philosophy and principles of agricultural extension. 4. Identify the important elements that comprise the communication process. 5.
Development of the county organization supporting extension work. 99. History of the ... ers to hold meetings for the discussion ofagricultural problems.
Extension as a practice has a long history both ancient and modern. It can be argued that extension dates back to times when human civilization started farming. There is archaeological evidence that people were sharing information on better methods of …
The evolution of the agricultural knowledge and information system related to pest control on the potato crop (AKIS-potato) in Peru. Historical references do ...
Agriculture Extension is that type of education which is stretched out to people in the rural areas far and near, beyond the limits of the educational ...
The meaning of the term 'extension' has evolved over time, and has different connotations in different countries. Throughout history, and across the world, ...
15.06.2018 · Open PDF in Browser. Add Paper ... Agricultural extension service approach is a bedrock of agricultural development since it contributes to make extension services clear for the development of the skill and knowledge of farmers to adopt new and improved technologies. The general objective of this paper is to review the historical ...
based agricultural extension programs. This manual is a practical guide for extension workers in agriculture. It contains simple, easy to follow tools on the commonly used extension methods and an outline of how extension may be planned and implemented. Most of sources of each subjected listed in the further reading section at the end of the ...