Home Assistant - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
wiki.archlinux.org › title › Home_AssistantInstall the home-assistant package. Configuration. Configuration files are stored at /var/lib/hass/. If no configuration exists, a default configuration will be written at startup. Usage. To start Home Assistant, start/enable home-assistant.service. The first start may take up to 20 minutes because the required packages will be downloaded and installed.
Install Home Assistant on Arch Linux using the Snap Store ...
snapcraft.io › install › home-assistant-snapOpen source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation that is designed to be the central control system for smart home devices with focus on local control and privacy. It can be accessed via a web-based user interface, via companion apps for Android and iOS, or using voice commands via a supported virtual assistant like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.
Linux - Home Assistant
https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/linuxRestart Home Assistant If you change the configuration you have to restart the server. To do that you have 3 options. In your Home Assistant UI go to the Configuration panel -> Server management and click the “Restart” button. You can go to the Developer Tools -> Services, select the service homeassistant.restart and click “Call Service”.