Feb 04, 2019 · I have gleaned most of the following information from the BurnsHA video regarding migrating Home assistant from sqlite3 to mariadb. I did add a few steps that were not mentioned in his video that were required for my migration. Many thanks to all who have tread this water previously. I am using a Raspberry pi 3 as the HA server running hassbian, and I have done the following steps to migrate ...
17.05.2020 · RPi Hassio + Synology NAS Maria DB For logging Home Assistant MariaDB 10 has been updated several times since the original post (currently on version 10.3.21) and there have been a number of minor changes which affect the instructions above.
11.06.2017 · My goal is to get away from the SQLite DB into MariaDB, then easily in the future if I choose a cloud hosted database it’s a simple change. IÂ couldn’t find any specific instructions on how to migrate from sqlite3 for home assistant. I used the following procedure, which was a bit of a hackery, but ended up working in the end.
12.03.2019 · Migrate Home Assistant’s sqlite database to MySQL, specifically MariaDB (10) After having added a decent amount of entities to my Home Assistant setup, the user interface—especially the history tab, but also the history for each entity—became very sluggish.
29.12.2021 · One-liner to convert an existing Home-Assistant SQLite database to MySQL - convert_ha_sqlite2mysql.sh. ... Don't move reporter to mariaDB if your data partition is on microSD. I use an RPi4 for my HA system, but my data partition is on a USB3 mapped M.2-SATA SSD which is fine for the InnoDB engine.
04.12.2017 · This video is a tutorial on how to convert the default Home Assistant database to MariaDB.Here are a few links to get you started.....https://home-assistant....
Mar 12, 2019 · Migrate Home Assistant’s sqlite database to MySQL, specifically MariaDB (10) After having added a decent amount of entities to my Home Assistant setup, the user interface—especially the history tab, but also the history for each entity—became very sluggish.
13.04.2020 · I am going to document this before I forget what I did. My setup nuc running ubuntu 18.04 home assistant core 0.107.7 via docker. portainer 12. Aim move from sqlite to a proper database using MariaDB Important to know: MariaDB is a “drop in” replacement for the older MySQL project. That is why you will see references to mysql below.
Apr 27, 2020 · I started with home assistant recently and since my database grew rapidly, I needed to migrate to MariaDB too. Thanks for the instructions. They were of a lot of help. I have 3 remarks: Today I upgraded my installation and it ended up with errors, because AUTOINCREMENT on schema_changes is not set. Solution:
04.02.2019 · I have gleaned most of the following information from the BurnsHA video regarding migrating Home assistant from sqlite3 to mariadb. I did add a few steps that were not mentioned in his video that were required for my migration. Many thanks to all who have tread this water previously. I am using a Raspberry pi 3 as the HA server running hassbian, and I have done …
27.04.2020 · I started with home assistant recently and since my database grew rapidly, I needed to migrate to MariaDB too. Thanks for the instructions. They were of a lot of help. I have 3 remarks: Today I upgraded my installation and it ended up with errors, because AUTOINCREMENT on schema_changes is not set. Solution:
MariaDB is an implementation of MySQL that can handle a lot more data a lot more efficiently than SQLite. If you are having unknown slowdowns with your Home Assistant Instance, or if you are having the display of sensors disappear, this may well be the fix for you. A good way to tell is for you to look at your ‘home-assistant_v2. db’ file.
Jan 07, 2019 · Hey. The MariaDB addon just runs an instance of MariaDB Server as a separate image that Home Assistant can talk to. You don’t need it if you want to host your DB on a separate server, just change “core-mariadb” in your db_url value in configuration.yaml to the IP address or hostname of your new server.
This video is a tutorial on how to convert the default Home Assistant database to MariaDB.Here are a few links to get you started.....https://home-assistant....
A good way to tell is for you to look at your ‘home-assistant_v2. db’ file. If it is over 800mb, you are a candidate to replace the internal database with MariaDB Addon or some other external database. Update as of Home Assistant 2021.7 version. If using @ inside your db_url as I did below, the @ sign now needs to be represented as %40 .
Home Assistant uses SQLAlchemy, which is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM). This makes it possible to use a number of database solutions. The supported database solutions are: MariaDB ≥ 10.3 MySQL ≥ 8.0 PostgreSQL ≥ 12 SQLite ≥ 3.31.0
Jun 11, 2017 · My goal is to get away from the SQLite DB into MariaDB, then easily in the future if I choose a cloud hosted database it’s a simple change. IÂ couldn’t find any specific instructions on how to migrate from sqlite3 for home assistant. I used the following procedure, which was a bit of a hackery, but ended up working in the end.