tenseal 0.3.8 on PyPI - Libraries.io
https://libraries.io/pypi/tenseal26.01.2020 · TenSEAL is a library for doing homomorphic encryption operations on tensors, built on top of Microsoft SEAL. It provides ease of use through a Python API, while preserving efficiency by implementing most of its operations using C++. Features. 🔑 Encryption/Decryption of vectors of integers using BFV
Index — Pyfhel 2.3.1 documentation
https://pyfhel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.htmlPYthon For Hmomorphic Encryption Libraries, Pyfhel implements functionalities of multiple Homomorphic Encryption libraries such as addition, multiplication, exponentiation or scalar product in Python.Pyfhel uses a syntax similar to normal arithmetics (+,-,*). This library is useful both for simple Homomorphic Encryption Demos as well as for complex problems such as …
phe 1.4.0 - PyPI · The Python Package Index
https://pypi.org/project/phe19.04.2018 · Project description. A Python 3 library for Partially Homomorphic Encryption. The homomorphic properties of the paillier crypto system are: Encrypted numbers can be multiplied by a non encrypted scalar. Encrypted numbers can be added together. Encrypted numbers can be added to non encrypted scalars.
PySEAL: Homomorphic encryption in a user-friendly Python ...
gab41.lab41.org › pyseal-homomorphic-encryption-inApr 23, 2018 · Our recent work on fully homomorphic approaches includes a publicly available port of MSR’s C++ SEAL library to Python, which can easily be imported and used in Python REPL’s and projects. The library, called PySEAL, features the capability to call key classes and methods in Python from MSR’s C++ implementation, common use cases of homomorphic encryption as illustrated in the original SEAL library, and a Docker file that takes care of setting up the right environment and building the ...