Horizon 2020 - obelis.net
www.obelis.net › industries › horizon-2020-3Horizon 2020 was the EU's largest-ever research and innovation initiative, with approximately €80 billion in financing available over seven years (2014 to 2020). During Horizon 2020, Obelis helped new innovative projects focusing its expertise on health technologies, including medical devices (MD), pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and advanced ...
Horizon 2020 – UKRI
www.ukri.org › horizon-2020Jan 31, 2020 · Horizon 2020 is the largest ever European funding programme for research and innovation. It has a budget of 79 billion euros and will run throughout 2020. Horizon 2020 aims to: ensure that Europe produces world-class science. remove barriers to innovation. make it easier for public and private sectors to innovate together.
Horizon 2020 – UKRI
https://www.ukri.org/.../guidance-for-specific-funds/horizon-202031.01.2020 · Horizon 2020 is the largest ever European funding programme for research and innovation. It has a budget of 79 billion euros and will run throughout 2020. Horizon 2020 aims to: ensure that Europe produces world-class science. remove barriers to innovation. make it easier for public and private sectors to innovate together.
Horisont 2020 – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horisont_2020Horisont 2020 var EUs rammeprogram for forskning og innovasjon, for perioden på sju år fra 1. januar 2014 til 31. desember 2020. Programmet hadde et budsjett på 80 billioner euro, som var det tredje største i EU, etter landbruks- og regionpolitikken. Europeiske stats- og regjeringssjefer ba i 2011 Europakommisjonenom å sammenbinde alle EUs tidligere forsknings- og innovasjonsfond til et felles strategisk rammeverk. Kommisjonen lansert…