The Mystery of Coca Cola's Secret Formula - The Vintage News › 2018/08/10 › coca-cola-formulaAug 10, 2018 · Coca-Cola’s formula is a trade secret. Unlike other companies which disclose what their products contain, Coca-Cola has opted to keep their complete recipe a secret. However, since their product is not proprietary, anyone in the world could copy the recipe and sell it as their own if they got their hands on the original formula. But there’s the problem because the only way to obtain the recipe is to steal it from the vault in the permanent Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta.
Why Didn’t Coca-Cola Patent Their Secret Recipe? › why-didnt-coca-cola-patentSep 07, 2021 · Despite this, Coca-Cola never patented their secret recipe, which has remained one of the most guarded secrets in the world for over a century. But why did the recipe never get patented? Our intellectual property lawyers at Paul & Paul explain why, which may surprise you at first if you do not understand patent law. However, the decisions by Coca-Cola are an excellent case study for other inventors and businesses who are considering whether to patent their invention.