Health & Environmental Effects of Air Pollution › files › documentsAir pollution can damage crops and trees in a variety of ways.Ground-level ozone can lead to reductions in agricultural crop and commercial forest yields, reduced growth and survivability of tree seedlings, and increased plant susceptibility to disease, pests and other environmental stresses (such as harsh weather).
What Does Pollution Do to the Environment? - · What Does Pollution Do to the Environment? Pollution can damage trees, plants, crops, lakes and other waterways, oceans, coral reefs, animals and people. This applies to air pollution, pollution through toxic chemicals, litter in the ocean, pollution from pesticides and fertilizers, noise pollution and light pollution. Some of the main causes ...
How does pollution affect environment? - › environmental-systems-andJan 03, 2022 · Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a byproduct of man’s actions. It’s a product of direct or indirect effects of the changes in the energy pattern, radiation levels, and chemical and physical constitution and abundance of organisms. Environmental pollution is a global problem and is common to both developed as well as developing countries, which attracts the attention of human beings for its severe long-term consequences.
How does Pollution affect the Environment? - Pollution › how-doesHow does pollution affect the Environment? Air pollution effects the environment because it can form acid rain which harm plants and wild animals. The acid rain demolishes the leaves of plants and can go in rivers, streams,etc., which harms fish and other marine life. Air pollution can also cause Nitrogen to deposit on soil, affecting the nutrients, and plants in or near freshwater resources causing an abundance of algae growth which makes conditions for other living organisms harmful.