06.07.2018 · There are approximately 2.2 billion gamers in the world. Out of the estimated 7.6 billion people living on earth, as of July 2018, that means almost a third of people on this planet are gamers. Out of those 2.2 billion gamers, 1.2 billion of those who play games are playing games on a PC.
07.09.2021 · In 2021, there were almost 1.48 billion gamers across Asia, making it the largest market for video gaming worldwide, with Europe coming in second place with a gaming audiences of 715 million. In...
02.05.2019 · There are more than 2.5 billion video gamers around the world The average gamer is 34 years old 70% of gamers are age 18 or older 60% of Americans play video games daily 45% of US gamers are women 70% of parents believe video games have a positive influence on their children’s lives Gaming fever is spreading. Let’s see who’s already caught it!
03.02.2020 · Newzoo reports there were 2.69 billion gamers in the world by the end of 2020. Growth has been steady with an average of 5.6% year-on-year (YoY) increase. 2021 figures are forecast to reach 2.81 billion gamers that will earn the …
The video gaming industry is huge and shows no signs of slowing down. While there were almost two billion video gamers across the world in 2015, this figure is ...
1. 2.5 billion people played video games in 2016. · 2. The average age of a woman gamer is 34. · 3. 65% of American adults are video gamers. · 4. In 2016, the US ...
So, how many gamers are there in the world? According to Statista, there are currently more than 2.4 billion gamers in the world – about one-third of the ...
19.08.2020 · 3 Billion People Worldwide Are Gamers, and Nearly Half Play on PCs By Joel Hruska on August 19, 2020 at 4:27 pm A new report claims that 48 percent of all gaming happens on PCs, with a whopping...
What age are most gamers? According to TechJury, the average male gamer is 34 years old, while the average female gamer is 36 years old. In the world of professional gaming, nearly all players are in their early to mid-20s. Age, however, has less to do with losing skills as it does with an increase in responsibility.
Newzoo reports there were 2.69 billion gamers in the world by the end of 2020. Growth has been steady with an average of 5.6% year-on-year (YoY) increase. 2021 ...