Backup Proxy - User Guide for VMware vSphere › vsphere › backup_proxyJun 01, 2021 · Step 1. Launch New VMware Proxy Wizard; Step 2. Choose Server; Step 3. Select Proxy VM; Step 4. Configure Traffic Rules; Step 5. Apply Backup Proxy Settings; Step 6. Finish Working with Wizard; Editing Backup Proxy Settings; Disabling and Removing Backup Proxies; VMware CDP Proxy. Adding VMware CDP Proxies. Step 1. Launch New VMware Proxy Wizard; Step 2.
What is Veeam Proxy? - ESX Virtualization · Veeam proxy is one of the main components of Veeam Backup and replication. In small environments when installation is “All-In-one” machine, the Veeam Proxy gets installed on the same box as the rest of the components. In larger environments, the backup proxy role is assigned to one or multiple Windows servers to share the load.