P-Value in Excel | How to Calculate P-Value in Excel?
www.educba.com › p-value-in-excelThe formula to calculate the P-Value is TDIST (x, deg_freedom, tails) Null hypothesis: When we are comparing two things with each other, then the null hypothesis is the assumption that there is no relation between two things. Before comparing two things with each other, we just have to prove that there is some relation exists between these two.
How to Perform a Normality Test in Excel (Step-by-Step)
01.03.2021 · So, to find the p-value for the test we will use the following function in Excel: =CHISQ.DIST.RT (JB test statistic, 2) The p-value of the test is 0.601244. Since this p-value is not less than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We …