Python Pandas - Concatenation - Tutorialspoint provides various facilities for easily combining together Series, DataFrame, and Panel objects. pd.concat (objs,axis=0,join='outer',join_axes=None, ignore_index=False) objs − This is a sequence or mapping of Series, DataFrame, or Panel objects. axis − {0, 1, ...}, default 0. This is the axis to concatenate along.
Python Pandas - Concatenation - Tutorialspoint › python_pandas › pythonPandas provides various facilities for easily combining together Series, DataFrame, and Panel objects. pd.concat (objs,axis=0,join='outer',join_axes=None, ignore_index=False) objs − This is a sequence or mapping of Series, DataFrame, or Panel objects. axis − {0, 1, ...}, default 0. This is the axis to concatenate along.
pandas.concat — pandas 1.4.1 documentation › api › pandasCombine two Series. >>> s1 = pd.Series( ['a', 'b']) >>> s2 = pd.Series( ['c', 'd']) >>> pd.concat( [s1, s2]) 0 a 1 b 0 c 1 d dtype: object. Clear the existing index and reset it in the result by setting the ignore_index option to True. >>> pd.concat( [s1, s2], ignore_index=True) 0 a 1 b 2 c 3 d dtype: object.