31.05.2014 · You are unable to set the SQL credentials for one or more SQL instances hosted on a protected server. You suspect that it is a WMI issue and you want an easy quick way to determine if that is the case and to remove the corrupted WMI instance.
20.02.2018 · for the new version the WMI class looks like this {String Key,String Data1,String Data2}. Now I'm facing a problem if the WMI class does exist but not in the new format. This might happen for upgrade purposes. I want to delete the old WMI class and create new one with the new format. How I can do this?
12.07.2012 · Deleting a WMI Class. I’ve often been asked about how to delete WMI classes, so here’s the best way to do it. Use caution, however, when deleting these classes as doing so can cause long term or unrecoverable issues. First, start by running WBEMTEST. Next, click on the Connect… button. Ensure the Namespace is root\cimv2 and then click on ...
Next we are going to forcefully remove all SCCM files, registry traces, certificates, caches, WMI namespaces, etc. Let’s create a new function called “removeSCCM”: # Forcefully remove all traces of SCCM from the computer function removeSCCM () { # Stop SCCM services Get-Service -Name CcmExec -ErrorAction ...
31.08.2016 · In this article Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8. Removes a custom namespace.
07.08.2014 · Hello, To address windows update issues, i had to recently delete the CCM namespace and then a reinstall of the SCCM client to fix it. I now need to do the same on ~200 servers as most of them have similar issues.
14.01.2014 · Here we are in August of 2019, and I’ve just found this nugget of gold in the ether. Thanks for this info, It has helped me a great deal in getting rid of SMS from a system.
Set the WMI Service type back to Automatic and start WMI Service. cd /d c:\ ( (go to the root of the c drive, this is important)) for /f %%s in ('dir /s /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %%s. Reboot the server. Finally, install latest hotfixes for WMI as they can help prevent issue from recurring. If you continue to have recurring WMI repository ...