Chapter 1 Iteration - MathWorks › exm › chaptersIteration Iteration is a key element in much of technical computation. Examples involving the Golden Ratio introduce the Matlab assignment statement, for and while loops, and the plot function. Start by picking a number, any number. Enter it into Matlab by typing x = your number This is a Matlab assignment statement. The number you chose is ...
Iteration - Mathematics A-Level Revision › pure-maths › algebraIteration. Iteration is a way of solving equations. You would usually use iteration when you cannot solve the equation any other way. An iteration formula might look like the following: x n+1 = 2 + 1. x n . You are usually given a starting value, which is called x 0. If x 0 = 3, for example, you would substitute 3 into the original equation ...
Iteration - Wikipedia is the repetition of a process in order to generate a (possibly unbounded) sequence of outcomes. Each repetition of the process is a single iteration, and the outcome of each iteration is then the starting point of the next iteration. In mathematics and computer science, iteration (along with the related technique of recursion) is a standard element of algorithms.