Feeling emotionally numb, or a general lack of emotion, can be a symptom of several different medical conditions or a side effect of some medications. It can ...
As an empath in a house where emotion was treated like a ticking bomb, I was feeling emotions for the entire family, and all those feelings were processing ...
Aug 01, 2019 · Just dipping your toes into your intense emotions is enough to start with. Don’t force anything. This process might seem silly, but I can’t argue with the results. After a few back and forths ...
01.08.2019 · I feel intense emotions going on under the surface, but this numbness is still acting like a body guard keeping me from experiencing those …
Feeling your emotions brightens your life, both internally and externally. You already have every answer you will ever need inside of you; you just need to learn how to access that information. Answers about your relationships, your life direction, how to take care of your health, how to move toward what you want.
Emotions help us relate to other people, know what we want, and make choices. Even "negative" emotions are useful. Find out how to understand emotions and ...
27.02.2017 · You can feel emotions however you choose to feel emotions. It's your life. If you want freedom from them, if you want your power back from those diagnoses, then you may consider trying this process, too. It won't happen overnight, but you're worth the work this takes. Feel on, Love. That's what we humans do. Stay strong, Amy
Often we think of the easy ones, such as anger, happiness, sadness, fear, but as we become adults, our emotions become more nuanced. Learn to identify less ...
Oct 12, 2020 · Feelings signal how we are reading the environment, and they are designed to mobilize and drive an adaptive behavioral response. Positive emotions (such as excitement, joy, attraction, pride,...
Feb 27, 2017 · This step is where a lot of us get caught or give up entirely. Most of us have been taught to just "suck it up" and move on, but that just packs it down. Emotions demand to be felt. If you don't consciously allow the feeling, they will find a way to make themselves known.
12.05.2020 · Feel the surface on which you’re sitting/lying and how your body sinks into it. Take one hand and rub it slowly over the surface right under it. Relax. Then notice the sounds around you. What do you hear? Take some time to really take in the sounds.
06.01.2021 · Excited and scared Disappointment and acceptance Calm and anxious “And” makes space for you to hold both truths at once. How to feel several emotions safely and simultaneously isn’t automatic: it’s something we need to learn. “And” gives us room to hold and notice all of our emotions. The power of “and” for trauma survivors Life is complicated.
Learn how to clear the emotions of others from your field. One way to do this is to imagine roots extending from your feet into the center of the earth. Send all the emotion and energy that doesn’t belong to you down those roots and into the earth. Feel it draining out of your field and into a place where it can be transformed. Do it daily.
May 12, 2020 · How to Feel Emotions (we never learned to feel) Trudging toward Expression …. It’s maddening! We enter this world with a full cacophony of feelings and a voice of many... We All Have Feelings … and They Need to be Acknowledged. The bottom line is that we all have emotions. They’re... Some Emotional ...