BlackArch Install › blackarch-installTo start the installation, you must execute the Blackarch install script. In order to avoid any problems that can cause you to restart the installation, make sure to have internet available on the machine where you want to install Blackarch. You can list the available network interfaces with the command ip a.
BlackArch Install!You can do it at any time without the need to stop it by simply switching tty's by pressing these keys simultaneously ctrl + alt + f2 (f1 is the default tty where you ran the blackarch-install script (if you did not execute it in another tty…), f2, f3, f4, f5 or f6 will bring a new tty where you can execute any command you may need.
Blackarch install › blackarch-installSelect your architecture and press enter. [Example: Blackarch Linux (x86_64) for 64bit] If you want to install BlackArch using VirtualBox, make sure to choose the right ISO. Check if your hardware supports virtualization. If so enable it in your UEFI/BIOS settings. If not, you must use the 32 bit ISO.
Guide of BlackArch › guideThis is the official guide to BlackArch Linux. It is quite new. Kindly excuse all typos and errors. Soon, this guide will contain all of the information about BlackArch Linux you could possibly imagine. We offer the guide chapter by chapter in PDF format. We also offer an online quick-guide on how to install BlackArch Linux using the live or ...