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how to install win32com.client in linux

[python-win32] Equivalence of win32com.client under Linux
https://mail.python.org › pipermail
[python-win32] Equivalence of win32com.client under Linux ... I found in the net pypiwin32 but I can not install it and I do not know is ...
How to install win32com.client in Python? - AppRobotic
www.approbotic.com › rpa › rpa
Open a Command Prompt, change the directory to the 32-bit Python install directory, such as: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python39-32" and run the following command: python -m pip install pywin32. Then, change the directory to the 64-bit Python install directory and run the command again. cd "C:\Program Files\Python39-32" python -m pip install ...
python - Install win32com on MacOs and Linux - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 64975918
My question is simple: can I install win32com python API ( pywin32 notably) on an OS that is not Windows? I have been trying, on Mac, multiple versions of pip install pywin32, all have failed. An example below: If you managed to install it on Linux I am also interested as I wrote it. I am using python 3.7.8.
Install win32com modules and make the Window pc talk
https://www.youtube.com › watch
A fresh installation of win32com module on Python 3.7 and an example of usage with Dipatch("SAPI.SpVoice ...
python3 - win32com python linux - Code Examples
code-examples.net › en › q
python3 - win32com python linux Python Create Access database using win32com (3) I found the answer to that question: the "click-to-run" version of Office 365 runs in a virtual environment and the Python libraries may not find it.
[python-win32] Equivalence of win32com.client under Linux
23.03.2017 · >>I use win32com.client to integrate a C # dll under python. This works well >under windows >>From win32com.client import Dispatch, pythoncom >From ctypes import cdll >Mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary (spath) >Pythoncom.CoInitialize () >Zk = Dispatch ("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") >>But do not works under unix >>What should you do at the Debian level? >Thank you
python - Install win32com on MacOs and Linux - Stack Overflow
python - Install win32com on MacOs and Linux - Stack Overflow Install win32com on MacOs and Linux Ask Question Asked 1 year, 2 months ago Active 3 months ago Viewed 3k times 1 My question is simple: can I install win32com python API ( …
How to install win32com.client in Python? - AppRobotic
https://www.approbotic.com › rpa
Open a Command Prompt, change the directory to the 32-bit Python install directory, such as: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python39-32".
How to install the win32com python library - Super User
superuser.com › questions › 609447
Jun 19, 2013 · Try. >>pip install -U pypiwin32. at the command prompt. Make sure your Python package is in the system PATH. Note that there are a few different ways to install Python modules, and as you have discovered not all of them work. pip install with -U worked for me with the pypiwin32 module (which contains win32com ). Share.
pywin32 for Linux · Issue #1372 - GitHub
https://github.com › issues
I am currently using centos 7 with python 3.6. I am getting the below error,. python3 -m pip install pywin32. Collecting pywin32. ERROR: Could ...
How to install win32com.client on Python 3.4 or Python 2.7 ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 48012356
Dec 29, 2017 · Run these commands outside of Python in the system command prompt either through Windows or Linux etc. The following worked for me on Python 2.7: > pip install pypiwin32. Also try the following from this post: > python -m pip install pypiwin32. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. edited Dec 28 2017 at 19:55.
PyWin32 - PyPI
https://pypi.org › project › pywin32
dll (where XX is the Python version - eg, "39"). Running as a Windows Service. Modern Python installers do not, by default, install Python in a way that is ...
How to import win32com.client in Python - Quora
https://www.quora.com › How-do-...
use below command at the command prompt. pip install -U pypiwin32. Make sure your Python package is in the system PATH ...
python3 - win32com python linux - Code Examples
python3 - win32com python linux Python Create Access database using win32com (3) I found the answer to that question: the "click-to-run" version of Office 365 runs in a virtual environment and the Python libraries may not find it. The answer to that issue is to uninstall Office and reinstall it as a normal download.
How to install the win32com module (to make the computer ...
https://pythonprogramming.altervista.org › ...
text to speech API fromg google with python. You need to pip install pypiwin32 from the command line. If you have different version you ...
Install win32com on MacOs and Linux - python - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › install-...
Win32COM is part of [GitHub]: mhammond/pywin32 - pywin32. According to the (above) URL, the package is only designed to work on Win: Python ...
What is win32com client? - questionerlab.com
win32com looks like a Windows specific library, tied to the WinAPI.Linux has a different operating system API (because Linux is not Windows and both are different OSes), mostly following the POSIX standards. You'll also need to look into the section 3 of man pages, since it is listing many functions usable in Linux.
How to install the win32com python library - Super User
https://superuser.com › questions
Start a command line with admin rights. python -m pip install pywin32; C:\Program Files\Stackless36\Scripts>python pywin32_postinstall.py -install ...
[SOLVED] Python: win32com.client import problem
https://www.linuxquestions.org › p...
Welcome to LinuxQuestions.org, a friendly and active Linux Community. ... import pythoncom from win32com.client import Dispatch.
[python-win32] Equivalence of win32com.client under Linux
mail.python.org › pipermail › python-win32
Mar 23, 2017 · Next message (by thread): [python-win32] Equivalence of win32com.client under Linux Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] I wouldn't say it's 100% impossible - there is a thing called Mono which allows, subject to numerous limitations, running some .NET code on Linux.